Apr 17, 2011

Sunday Is Over-Rated

Almost half day gone. And I am still in my birthday suit since after showering.
And after an effective half an hour or so of rolling in bed, I pulled myself up, only to be parked in front of this pc.
And starting to wonder how much I hate people without a sense of punctuality in time.

Sorry, pet peeves. I have to plan everything beforehand, right down to the minutes if possible. And days before the event takes place. Perfectionist? Nah ... I don't like to waste my time but rather plan things ahead if possible.

Damn I crave for my coffee now. God knows how many cups I have downed these past few days. To no avail, I might add.

On a personal note, something's definitely brewing on the horizon. I need self-regulation.


I need a piece of your mind. Now.