First official weekend of the year. The previous one does not count since Saturday was the first. And it's holiday for all anyway.
How has the new year been treating you? For me, life's so far so good. KL's supposed to be the life of the party, the city that does not sleep, and perfect as a foil for rainbow warriors like us. (read : PLU).
But then again, sometimes life ain't so rosy. When work takes precedence, plans got spoiled and over-ruled. Dates go wrong. Even celebrations downgraded to mere nothings.
It's a hard knock's life indeed. Can't believe I actually long for the days when we stayed apart; long distance relationship if you will. At least we spend more quality time than now; ever rushing to go home and answer to the parents.
I am trying, my dear. I really am.
Im sure he understand lah. Dun worry dude :-)